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Root Canal Treatment at Home


Did your tooth start hurting at the most inconvenient time? What to do if you can’t see a dentist right away?

In this blog, we aim to help you and explain the situation.

Why does a tooth hurt?

There are different types of tooth pain. There is transient tooth pain, such as the pain that occurs after eating something sweet and quickly goes away. Then there is tooth pain that lasts for more than 5 minutes. This is persistent tooth pain, where the tooth may ache, for example, all night. Such pain is usually caused by either nerve inflammation or inflammation under the tooth root.

In summary, the causes of tooth pain are: cavities, nerve inflammation, or inflammation under the tooth root.

What can I do at home to help myself with tooth pain?

If it’s a transient toothache, proper brushing and rinsing your mouth usually help. This removes sugar and food residues from the teeth, and the pain temporarily subsides—until the next time. However, to solve the problem permanently, you should see a dentist for cavity treatment.

What if the toothache lasts for several hours?

This is usually a sign of irreversible inflammation. The first thing that helps against tooth pain is a painkiller. Over-the-counter medications like paracetamol and ibuprofen are suitable. Be sure to read the package leaflet to understand the proper usage and dosage. It’s important to keep your teeth clean, even in the area where the pain occurs. Avoid rubbing, warming, massaging, or applying any compresses to the painful area. These actions won’t help and may even worsen the condition. Visit a dentist at the earliest opportunity. If the toothache occurs at night, it’s usually manageable to wait until morning. In Tallinn, there are also emergency dental clinics that accept patients with pain on a first-come, first-served basis.

Is it possible to perform root canal treatment at home?

Unfortunately, no. Root canal treatment is a complex procedure that requires specific techniques and conditions to be carried out properly.

The best advice! If your tooth starts to hurt, even slightly, book an appointment with a dentist immediately.