Dental Implantation: What Are the Stages of the Recovery Process?

This question is answered by Hanzadent Dentistry specialist, Dr. Regina Kuningas-Ott.
Dental implantation is a routine procedure in modern dentistry.
It is a surgical procedure in which a screw is placed into the jawbone where a tooth is missing. In some cases, a temporary crown or prosthesis is placed on the screw immediately (or after a few days). In other cases, the screw is left to heal, and the gum is stitched over it so that nothing is visible in the mouth, or a small metal healing screw is left exposed.
Generally, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia, and the patient is provided with over-the-counter pain relievers after the procedure. The patient can take these as needed. The doctor also provides instructions on how to take the medication.
In most cases, individual teeth are replaced or implanted. According to patients, the procedure is much easier to tolerate and, if we may say so, more pleasant compared to tooth extraction. Typically, the surgical site will hurt for no more than one day. Swelling and pain that lasts 2-3 days can occur in rare cases, especially when implantation is combined with gum surgery or the addition of bone grafts to increase bone volume. The patient will also be prescribed antibiotics and, if necessary, pain relievers after implantation.
Therefore, after placing a single or a few implants, patients typically recover quickly and without significant complaints.
In cases involving more extensive surgery, such as removing multiple teeth and placing several implants, most patients recover in a day or two. In such cases, there may be more swelling and even bruising around the surgery area.
The dentist will certainly inform the patient in advance about what kind of recovery to expect. However, in most cases, the recovery is mild or well-tolerated by the patient.

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