The Importance of Regular Dental Care for Children | HanzaDent
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The Importance of Regular Dental Care for Children: Expert Advice


Researchers from the University of Tartu’s Institute of Dentistry, in collaboration with the Estonian Dental Association and commissioned by the Estonian Health Insurance Fund, conducted a nationwide study with over 1,300 children aged 3, 6, and 12 to assess the health of their teeth. The study results showed that the dental health of Estonian children is among the worst in Europe. Today, we focus on the need for and importance of regular dental check-ups for children.

Dr. Regina Kuningas-Ott, a dentist with experience since 2005.

She has treated both children and adults with a variety of oral and dental issues. Today, she talks about the importance of maintaining children and adolescents’ dental health and the need for regular check-ups.

Children’s dental and oral health is a priority for our dentists. It is something that both parents and pediatric dentists must protect and maintain. Children are unique patients who differ from adults in many anatomical and physiological characteristics. All pathological processes in children’s oral cavities progress much faster, which can be explained by the thinner enamel of baby teeth, imperfect brushing habits, and the special work of the immune system, which is still learning to function properly.

Based on this, both baby teeth and the permanent teeth of children and adolescents experience more aggressive and faster decay. This can quickly lead to complications, such as pulpitis (inflammation of the tooth nerve) and periodontitis (inflammation beneath the tooth root), which, depending on age, can cause premature loss of baby teeth and resulting malocclusion.

All these factors determine the frequency of dental visits for children and adolescents—every 6 months. These guidelines apply to children who do not have severe forms of cavities and do not have somatic diseases that could worsen the condition of the oral cavity. However, an individual visit schedule can always be determined by the treating dentist.

During regular dental visits, a children’s dentist will detect and treat cavities, possible tooth inflammations, bite disorders, and may uncover breathing, facial skull development, and phonetics issues. If necessary, the children’s dentist will refer the child to a specialist.

Regular dental care and check-ups for children ensure:

  • Less cavity, pain, and sleepless nights for baby and permanent teeth
  • Better development of the child’s bite and facial structure
  • Improved diction and phonetics
  • A healthier, happier, and more confident child

At HanzaDent Dentistry, when you have Health Insurance, children’s dental care is covered by the Estonian Health Insurance Fund.

Book a consultation today!