Is Dental Implantation Painful? Dr. Regina Kuningas-Ott

Fear of pain is one of the main factors that keeps people away from the dentist’s chair. Almost all patients ask before any procedure: “Is it painful?”

This question is answered by HanzaDent Dentist Dr. Regina Kuningas-Ott.
Fear of pain is one of the main factors that keeps people away from the dentist’s chair. Almost all patients ask before any procedure: “Is it painful?”
This question is answered by HanzaDent Dentist Dr. Regina Kuningas-Ott.
Most dental fears people have stem from either their past, when modern treatment and pain relief methods were not yet available, or from stories they’ve heard from others.
At this point, I would like to reassure everyone that as long as a person is not waiting for a tooth to completely decay or for chronic inflammation to flare up, dental treatment, including dental implants, is a painless procedure. After the implantation procedure, most of my patients are rather surprised at how painless and easily tolerable the procedure is.
The painlessness of the procedure is ensured by the effective anesthesia solutions used today. The most anxious patients can even have the injection site numbed with a special gel before the injection is given. In this case, there is no reason to fear pain.
For those whose implantation procedures are long, as multiple implants need to be placed, or for those who still cannot overcome their fear of pain and the dentist, HanzaDent offers the option of sedation (general anesthesia). In this case, in addition to local anesthesia, general anesthesia is administered, meaning the patient will be asleep throughout the procedure, and pain relief is guaranteed.
Before the dental implantation procedure, the patient is usually given oral painkillers, which will take effect just when the local anesthesia wears off. The patient also receives instructions on how to use painkillers at home.
In conclusion, I would like to say that at HanzaDent, dental implantation is a completely painless procedure, and the best solution is found for each patient.

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