Book a visit | Hanzadent
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Book a visit

To book an appointment, please select a suitable location either Laulupeo 2, Tammsaare tee 92 or Paldiski mnt 9 (check bottom half of the page) and service.

The client is obliged to pay a visit fee for each appointment. For services funded by Tervisekassa, the visit fee is set by applicable regulations and currently amounts to 5 euros. For cases not funded by Tervisekassa, the visit fee is 10 euros. The visit fee for an appointment with a hygienist is 5 euros. In addition to the visit fee, the client is obligated to pay for the services provided during the appointment according to the current price list of the HanzaDent clinic and in accordance with the instructions given by the HanzaDent clinic. All payments are made in euros.

If you have Health Insurance Fund insurance, the Health Insurance Fund pays for the dental treatment of children (up to 19 years of age). Please consider the visit fee of 5 euros. For other questions, please call and book an appointment at 625 13 88 or 660 97 01.